Master's Research Scholarship


The Master's Research Scholarship (MRS) directs institutional funding to support recruitment, retention, and timely degree completion for excellent master’s students engaged in scholarship advancing the university's goals for research and creative activity. Scholarships will be awarded to continuing and entering master’s students through a competitive process. Following a preliminary review process at the college level, a faculty committee will advise the Graduate Dean in allocation of the funds. Awards will be distributed through the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, with funds deposited directly into students’ CashNet accounts. The award will be disbursed in two installments, split between the start of the fall and spring semesters. Students must maintain active matriculated status in their degree program in both semesters to remain eligible for awards.

A $10,000 scholarship is sufficient to cover full time tuition and campus mandatory fees for a California resident, but not to fully support a graduate student. The scholarship does not provide health or other benefits. Therefore the review criteria include consideration of additional support committed to the student for the academic year from department/college sources (academic student employment) or external funding sources (grants, contracts, fellowships, other scholarships). The intent of the MRS is to complement those sources, not replace them or stand alone as a student’s only piece of support.

***The MRS does not come with waivers for tuition and/or fees.***

Review Process

Criteria for review:

  • The nominee’s academic achievements to date 
  • Evidence of research, scholarship, and creative activities accomplishments and potential in the nominee’s field
  • Quality of the commitment from institutional and external financial sources of support allocated to the nominee

Deans are responsible for a preliminary review of nominations from their College. Following this round, no more than 10 finalist nominations from each College will be submitted to the Graduate Dean. An advisory committee will advise the Graduate Dean in selecting among finalists for awards.

Important Reminder

The Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities and the student’s home college will be consulted to ensure that potential awardees are in compliance with the Student Code of Conduct and/or their program’s Graduate Professional Standards.

Award nominees: A potential awardee is subject to being deemed ineligible for an award if (a) it is determined by CSRR that the student is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and/or (b) if the program notifies the College of Graduate Studies that the student has violated their program’s Graduate Professional Standards.

Current awardees: A current student awardee is subject to having their fellowship or scholarship rescinded if (a) it is determined by CSRR that the student is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and/or (b) if the program notifies the College of Graduate Studies that the student has violated their program’s Graduate Professional Standards.

Nomination Instructions

Nominations must be submitted by the graduate advisor of the master's program in which the nominee will be enrolled during the subsequent academic year. Both continuing and incoming students are eligible for awards. Nominations submitted by individuals other than the student's graduate advisor will not be considered. 

Nominations require basic student information, and: (1) a brief statement of the nominee’s accomplishments and potential in research, scholarship, and creative activity in their chosen field, and (2) an inventory of the commitment for other external and institutional financial support allocated to the nominee for the academic year. Graduate Advisors are encouraged to solicit language for the statement and inventory of support from a colleague closely mentoring the nominee.

Nominations for the 2024-2025 MRS closed on March 31, 2024, and awards were announced on May 3, 2024.

2024-2025 MRS Nomination Google Form pdf (for reference only)

2024-2025 MRS Rubric 

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to [email protected]