University Graduate Fellows


It is the College of Graduate Studies' pleasure to have awarded you a University Graduate Fellowship (UGF).

Your University Graduate Fellow Appointment

You will be appointed as a Research Fellow.  Your appointment corresponds to an expectation of 16 hours per week of research and related activities during both years of your fellowship. You should meet with your faculty co-sponsor the summer before each Fellowship year to discuss goals, responsibilities, and expectations.

Before the start of each Fellowship year (typically in mid-late July), you will  receive an HR hiring memorandum via email. This hiring memorandum outlines your salary and appointment details. As a University Graduate Fellow, the Center for Human Resources will reach out with more information and instructions regarding the on-boarding process. Questions should be directed to [email protected], or (619) 594–6404. It is imperative that you complete the HR on-boarding process in a timely manner or your start date will be delayed (reducing your first paycheck)

Important Information - Please Read Carefully

  1. The UGF cannot be combined with other stateside student appointments (i.e., TA, GA, ISA). If you already have a TA/GA/ISA appointment and have accepted the UGF award by filling out the Google Form on your award letter email, the College of Graduate Studies will go ahead and instruct program(s) to rescind the TA/GA/ISA appointment(s), so that you can be hired as a Research Fellow.
  2. All SDSU graduate students enrolled in state-side programs at SDSU and SDSU Imperial Valley must show proof of enrollment in an active health insurance plan.
  3. The University Graduate Fellowship is conditional on active SDSU enrollment in course(s) related to your graduate program, with the contract terminating if you graduate or separate from the program for any reason.
  4. Your fellowship or scholarship is subject to being rescinded. The Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities (CSRR) and your graduate program will be consulted to ensure that you are in compliance with the Student Code of Conduct, and remain in Graduate Student Good Standing and/or your graduate program’s Graduate Professional Standards.
    • Your fellowship or scholarship is subject to being rescinded if:
      • (a) it is determined by CSRR that you are in violation of the Student Code of Conduct,
      • (b) it is determined that you are no longer in Graduate Student Good Standing,  and/or
      • (c) if your graduate program notifies the College of Graduate Studies you have violated your graduate program’s Graduate Professional Standards.
  5. If you are a CalPERS member (prior TA appointment that qualified for membership), you may have additional withholdings associated with contributions to retirement. Please consult with Human Resources or your college’s Resource Manager for more information.
  6. Your Research Fellow position accrues leave balances (e.g., vacation, sick leave) for each month worked and is eligible for absence reporting within PeopleSoft employee self-service. As such, you are required to report absences (or no leave taken) following the completion of each pay period. Your supervisor is responsible for ensuring that absences are reported each pay period; by approving your submission, they are certifying that the submission is accurate.  Please see the following website for detailed instructions.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

The College of Graduate Studies is proud to make this investment in your career.